Accident reporting
All accidents should be reported immediately to supervisors. Supervisors must report the incident to Human Resources via the report of accident/illness form within 24 hours.
Lab safety
- Lab caution sign request
- Safety form - A safety form is required of all individuals working in the department.
- Safety Instruction Library - Lab managers should also review the safety documents to see if there are any additional documents lab personnel would benefit from. Completed forms should be returned to Tara Bevandich in the main office.
- Volunteer service acknowledgement - A volunteer service acknowledgement is needed for volunteers. All volunteers working at OSU must understand the extent (or lack) of insurance coverage by the State of Oregon. Note: Science majors and students receiving course credit while working in an integrative biology lab are not considered volunteers.
- Instructions for lab safety training
General information for Cordley Hall
Building access
- Please submit key/access requests by email to Tara Bevandich. Key/access requests must be submitted by a supervisor or lab PI.
- After-hours building passes are available in the main office (2008 Coast Range Building) for students and non-university employees who have legitimate reasons for being in Cordley Hall, Weniger Hall or the Coast Range Building after regularly scheduled closure times.
Lost and found
How to report a lost item and where to take a found item.
NEW! IB shared equipment program
Shared equipment program introduction and links.
College of Science feedback process
Report bias and discrimination, feedback about systems of oppression, concerns about one's role as undergrad student worker or graduate employee in College of Science.
- Faculty funding and research news for the College of Science
- Funding and research news for graduate students and postdocs
Grant Reporting & Foundation Reimbursement Systems (GRRS)
Grant Reporting & Foundation Reimbursement Systems
Provides principal investigators (PIs), co-PIs, grant account managers and business managers with the current financial status of grant funds. Scholarship administrators and signers may access FS index Foundation Reimbursement Requests; and scholarship awards and approvals.
Individuals intending to work in the Department of Integrative Biology or supervisors wishing to hire must report contact the IB Office before work on the position begins. Office staff will need the following information regarding the potential position:
- Employee's name
- Type of employment (regular student, work-study student)
- Hourly wage
- Index
- Start date
Some new employees will need to complete additional paperwork with the Business Center prior to being eligible to work.
- EmpCenter overviews, user guides, and training videos
- Student employee manual
- Student Employee Verification: Fax requests, along with a student signed student employment information release form, to the OSU Office of Human Resources at 541-737-7771
- Faculty & staff employment verification
- Sign up for direct deposit. This can be done via OSU Online Services without providing a voided check.
- A Faculty Guide to Ethical and Legal Standards in Student Employment
- Employee exit checklist. For use when an employee-student is leaving.
- Purchasing may be done through the OSU BennyBuy system (please contact the IB Office for assistance) or other online/local vendors.
- For any questions at all, please contact Tresa Bowlin or Tara Bevandich in the IB Office.
Photo release
Model release form. Have your subjects sign when taking pictures of classes, field trips, meetings, etc.
All travel must be pre-registered prior to traveling. Please fill out this survey online and submit it.
- The traveler will fill out the online survey with as much information as possible. When the survey is submitted, the designated travel coordinator will receive a copy. You travel coordinator will complete the pre-travel steps in Concur on your behalf and submit for approval.
- Please note, OSU now requires ALL out-of-state/international trips with an OSU related business purpose to have a pre-travel request in Concur, as a department we request the same for in-state travel as it makes the booking and reimbursement process much smoother.
- Please fill out the survey again, choosing either the reimbursement option or the expense report option (if you need both for the same trip, please leave a note in the appropriate form field for your travel coordinator). Please follow up with an email to Tresa or to Leann (whichever is your travel coordinator) containing any receipts, quick explanations for expenses, names of other travelers you covered expenses for, etc. You may also drop physical receipts off at Tresa's office, CORD 2403, or send through campus mail.
- Tresa or Leann will create the expense report/reimbursement request and email you when it is ready to be submitted.
- Please note, out-of-pocket expenses for approved travel cannot be reimbursed until traveler has returned from the trip. Many expenses can be pre-paid with departmental/grant funds. Please connect with Tresa to utilize department/grant funds in the pre-travel stage.
Additional useful travel links:
- Per diem rates - Domestic
- Per diem rates - International
- Personal vehicle usage
- Mileage log worksheet
- University motor pool driver authorization
- Hosting invited speakers/guests
- OSU hosting policy
Faculty Resources
Teaching Resources
- Canvas access
- Confidentiality: guidelines for release of student records
- Field trip waivers: Group (Class) or Individual (youth activities, high risk activities, overnights)
- Incomplete Form - Here is our IB process for Incomplete grades to help support you and the students:
- Prior to agreeing to an Incomplete for the term grade, verify that student is passing class thus far. Fill out the Incomplete form with the student (Note that you do not need to give them a full year to complete your course, you can pick your own due dates). The general recommendation is totry wrapping up remaining work quickly (e.g. set due dates and exam make-up dates as soon as practically possible), as a year does not usually benefit student learning.
- Email completed form to Lori Kayes and [email protected].
- The IB Department will store forms in a repository for reference as needed.
- If you do not resolve the Incomplete grade within the year, you will receive a notification from the OSU Registrar at the beginning of the term in which the grades will automatically roll to your default grade.
- Media Services
- Equipment check-out
- Syllabus requirements
- How to submit your grades
- Disability Access Services
- Center for Teaching & Learning
- Writing Center
Student resources
Graduate students
- OSU Integrative Biology Graduate Student Handbook 2024-25
- Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs)
- Ph.D. Assessment Forms (Proposal meeting, orals, defense)
- M.S. Assessment Forms (Proposal meeting, thesis defense, non-thesis final meeting)
- Thesis proposal sign-off form (Word)
- Thesis proposal sign-off form (PDF)
- Funding and research news (ECOS), College of Science
- Graduate school
- Media Hub
- FERPA training
- Thesis binding: contact Traci in the office for information