The nationally ranked Department of Integrative Biology combines exceptional research and teaching to address critical problems related to the environment, ecosystems, human and animal health. Approximately 40 faculty are engaged in innovative research, teaching and training in model systems, climate change, conservation, organismal biology, sustainability science and systems biology. We are particularly renowned for our research and teaching programs in marine biology and genetics.
OSU Integrative Biology
Nation's first online bachelor's degree program in zoology
As of January 1, 2014 the 125-year-old Department of Zoology changed its name and became the home of the interdisciplinary biology major. We are part of the School of Life Sciences in the College of Science at Oregon State University together with the Departments of Microbiology and Biochemistry & Biophysics.
The overarching goal of the Department of Integrative Biology is to promote research, discovery and broad communication of knowledge about living organisms, including their evolution, and their environments.
The Department of Integrative Biology promotes discovery and learning at all levels of biological organization (molecular, cellular, organismal, population, community and ecosystem). Our integrative focus reflects the importance of strong disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches in research and teaching. We strive for excellence and synergy in our coordinated programs of teaching, research and service. Recognizing the essential roles of science and biology in the lives of citizens today and tomorrow, we emphasize biological literacy in our teaching and outreach programs.
Diversity and inclusion
The Department of Integrative Biology at Oregon State University is committed to fostering a safe, open, equitable and inclusive environment to learn and work. We are striving to recruit, support and honor a diverse range of thoughts, backgrounds and identities. We value our IB community members’ intersecting identities, as well as open dialogue, mutual respect and empathy for varied perspectives.
Learn more about our valuesMake a gift
Our scientists are dedicated to changing the world and have received national acclaim for their transformative research and passionate teaching. With your help, we can do more. Make a gift to integrative biology today.
See how you can giveThe Department of Integrative Biology promotes research and teaching that integrates knowledge and understanding across all levels of biology and at every scale. We view this vertical integration as central to our identity. We study marine biology, model systems, climate change biology, conservation biology, sustainability science and systems biology and are home to renowned research collections of arthropods, birds and reptiles that are used by scientists from around the world.