The Department of Integrative Biology prepares students for diverse fields through outstanding life sciences coursework coupled with opportunities for hands-on professional training. Faculty teaching, research and mentoring expertise are drawn from integrative biology and the School of Life Sciences to offer students on the Corvallis campus immersive majors in biology and zoology, as well as the online zoology major offered through Ecampus. The best way to know if Oregon State is the right fit for you is to plan a visit.
Visit and Apply

Visit campus
We encourage you to tour our beautiful Oregon State campus! Tours are available through the OSU Visitor's Center, where you can register for a science-focused tour guided by science Peer Advisors. On some days, you may also be able to join an informal meeting with a biology or zoology advisor after the tour.
Visit Integrative Biology
Following extensive renovations of the department's traditional on-campus location in Cordley Hall, we returned to Cordley Hall in summer 2024. Once you arrive, you'll find the main office staff on the second floor in Cordley, room 2403. The office is open Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Exploring Corvallis
Corvallis is a small university town of 50,000 an hour-and-a-half drive south of Portland in the beautiful Willamette Valley. Summers are mild with temperatures of 85°F, clear blue skies, and low humidity; winter lows seldom dip below 32°F. The Pacific Northwest is famous for rain which results in lush green forests and farmland. Residents enjoy microbrews, strong coffee, and local wines with their unique Northwest cuisine. Within an hour’s drive, a parade of volcanic peaks marches through the Cascade Mountains offering rugged terrain for hiking, biking, camping, rock climbing, and water and snow sports. The Pacific coast is a pleasant 50-minute drive to the west.
Transfer to Oregon State
Whether you're transferring from a community college or a four-year institution, we have the resources to help. Nearly 30% of students in the College of Science are transfer students, many of whom have quickly integrated into our vibrant integrative biology community. With our dedication to cutting-edge research and innovative teaching practices, our department has the tools to help you achieve your dreams.
Interested in online learning?
We offer a variety of online courses and programs designed to suit every learner, including the nation's first-ever fully online bachelor's degree in zoology. If you are an Ecampus student interested in our zoology major you can contact Ecampus Enrollment Services.
Orientations for admitted students
All new OSU Corvallis campus students (and Degree Partnership students) are required to attend a Corvallis campus START orientation which includes advising and registration. Ecampus students are required to attend an online Ecampus orientation followed by an online Zoology major orientation before being advised.