2024-25 Academic Year
- University Day Awards: Francis Chan, OSU Outstanding Diversity Advocate Award; Cody Duncan, OSU Academic Advising Award; Staci Bronson, OSU Faculty Excellence in Online Teaching Award; Dana Howe, Outstanding Faculty Research Assistant Award
- 2024-25 PRAx Art+Sci Fellow: Jalyn Devereaux
2023-24 Academic Year (pdf of IB Good News 2023-24)
College of Science graduate students earn prestigious awards in 2023-24
- Paul & Mary Ann Roberts Graduate Fellowship: Kris Bauer
- IB Castor canadensis Awards: Rachel Handy (faculty/staff); Ricardo Reyes Grimaldo (graduate student); Jacob Bourquein (undergraduate)
- Cascades Campus Teaching Excellence Award: Kristina Smith
- NOAA Living Marine Resources Fellowship: Alexis Griffin
- OSU Academic Advising Award: Cody Duncan
- OSU Lenhard Fellowship: Isaac Schuman
- NSF INTERN Fellowship: Kaitlyn Tonra
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowships Program awards: Dustin Campbell; Russell Campbell; Ian Clifford; Arina Martin
NSF GRFP Honorable Mentions: Meredith Anderson; Delaney Chabot; Nina Devine (FRA); Hayley Hudson; MJ Strike - NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology: Megan Sandoval-Powers
- OSU Graduate Dean's Catalyst Award fellowship: Angelika Kurthen
- Provost's Distinguished Graduate Fellowship: Timeyin Pajiah
- Provost's Distinguished Graduate Scholarship: Colin Grosvenor, Cort Vanzant
- Science Graduate Fellowship: Emily Parker
- Oregon Lottery Graduate Scholarship: Jalyn Devereaux; Cheyenne Jarman
- Flyfishers Club of Oregon Graduate Scholarship: Jesse Fritz
- Jesse A. Hanson General Science Scholarship: Elena Gasiorowski
- American Microscopical Society Research Fellowship: Jun Cai
- Roundhouse Foundation Art-Sci Residency at Pine Meadow Ranch in Sisters, OR: Jamie Cornelius
- The Next Swell Scholarship: Jun Cai
- US Fish and Wildlife Service Directorate Fellowship : Angelika Kurthen
- IB Summer GRA Awards: Jalyn Devereaux, Kamron Kayhani, Katie McHugh; Ricardo Reyes Grimaldo
- 2023-24 PRAx Student Fellows: Olivia Burleigh, Jazlee Crowley, Delaney Chabot, Matthew Vaughan
- 2024 PRAx L.L. Stewart Faculty Fellowship: Dee Denver
- Olaf Boedtker Award for Excellence in Academic Advising: Cody Duncan
- Whiteley Faculty Scholar Award for Teaching Excellence Award: Nate Kirk & CoS Mentoring Community committee
- College of Science Inclusive Excellence Award 2023: Kirsten Grorud-Colvert
- Loyd F. Carter Award for Outstanding & Inspirational Teaching in Science (Graduate): Jamie Cornelius
- Outstanding Faculty Research Assistant Award: Jenna Sullivan-Stack
- Inclusive Excellence Fellow: Molly Burke; Chris Marshall
- Animal Behavior Society Research Award: Jessie Karr
- American Ornithological Society Research Award: Jessie Karr
- Ecological Society of America's Katherine S. McCarter Graduate Student Policy Award: Megan Davis
- International Symposium on Avian Endocrinology: Best Student Presentation: Jalyn Devereaux
- Best Student Presentation, Division of Comparative Physiology & Biochemistry, SICB annual meeting, Seattle: Jessie Karr
- Outstanding Student Presentation award at American Malacological Society meeting: Emily Taylor
- Charlotte Mangum Student Support for Housing at 2024 SICB Conference: Jun Cai
- OSU Scholarly Presentation Award: Jun Cai
- OSU Graduate School Professional Development Award
- Desert Fishes Council Best Student Presentation Award (Bishop, CA): Jesse Fritz
- Phycological Society of American Hoshaw Travel Award: Angelina Zuelow
- International Symbiosis Society Exchange Fellowship: Jun Cai
- HMSC Mamie Markham Research Award: Angelina Zuelow
- Hatfield Student Organization Research Award: Angelina Zuelow
- SACNAS Chapter Officer Leadership Travel Award: Angelina Zuelow
- SACNAS Conference Travel Scholarship: Jun Cai
- Oregon Invasive Species Council's Sandra Denyes Diedrich Outstanding Defender Award: Sylvia Yamada
- 2023 Faculty Senate Student Success & Teamwork Award: Baccalaureate Core Reform Committee (Lori Kayes, co-chair; Patrick Ball, committee member)