Lori J. Kayes
Lori J. Kayes
I am currently the Associate Department Head/ Director of Undergraduate Studies and the Co-Coordinator for our flagship Principles of Biology (BI 22x) the life-science majors Introductory Biology course series at Oregon State University. I oversee all aspects of the undergraduate programing for the Biology and Zoology majors including, courses, advising and student experiences. I also instruct in the BI 22x series.
- PhD, Forest Ecosystems and Society, Oregon State University, 2009.
I am currently working on research related to inclusive teaching practices in Biology education, implementation of Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences in Principles of Biology and departmental-level change to align with Vision and Change as a member of the Northwest PULSE (Partnership for Undergraduate Life Science Education) Leadership team.
Courses Taught
- BI 221, BI 222, BI 223 - Principles of Biology Series
- 2022 Student Success and Teamwork Award, together with our teaching team, for redesign of Principles of Biology courses